October 26, 2016
The not so boring hoardings….

Hoardings were once a plain dull space, dominated by a construction company logo. They are now recognised as a premium untouched low-cost advertising space.
While hoardings are a requirement for any site that is undergoing works (construction), they are also often used to create temporary barriers at events or to partition off areas. Construction hoardings ensure the site remains safe while works are completed on the opposing side, as well as to secure machinery and equipment during construction. The benefits of a quality hoarding can certainly have a positive impact for many businesses and their budgets.
Hoarding advertising can be:
- Cost effective; there is an execution for almost any budget.
- Easy to update (vandalism, weather damage season change if it is long term, info update)
- Personalised information
- A different and eye catching campaign can make big business impact.
More recently hoardings have been used as a form of advertising throughout the construction process. From informative and directional messages to retail marketing opportunities, the possibilities and executions are endless.
Best Digital Signs have been involved with hoarding projects that have had the space allocated to some major Australian and international Artists. These Artists have been commissioned to create a point of interest during retail redevelopments and/or events and have resulted in increased media and additional traffic flow during times that would have once have been avoided by shoppers.
Interested in using your hoarding as a form of marketing? It’s important to consider a few fundamental details.
- Make an impact – It’s important the design has a point of interest or offers the consumer something more than ‘Look what’s coming’. Think outside the box.
- Understand the construction of the hoarding – Weight restrictions, size, fabrication materials all have an impact on the integrity of the hoarding. Remember, ultimately these are a safety requirement and as such must not interfere with the structural integrity.
- Use the appropriate media – Keep in mind the elements. Will the hoarding be subject to UV, Rain, High Winds, Reflection Etc? Also, it’s important that the media being used is appropriate to the substrate used to create the hoarding, for example a removable vinyl will not adhere to a raw, untreated plywood without first being primed. Likewise vinyl will not adhere for any length of time to a hoarding that has been finished with a Wash & Wear paint due to it’s Teflon like properties.
- Adhere to any council guidelines – You may require Traffic Management Plans for roadside hoarding. You may also require council permission for messages etc.

Bromley & Co Hoarding – Eastland Redevelopment
Understanding and adhering to these guidelines will not only save you time and money in production, it will also help to ensure you end up with more than just a hoarding.
At Best Digital Signs we can provide the complete service from design through to installation. To find out more click here.